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25 Color Names for Purple

Looking for a way to combine the passion of a bold hue like red with the stability and calmness of a hue like blue in your business? Then purple could be the perfect choice for you.

The color purple symbolizes wealth, wisdom, royalty, creativity, and magic. This color is highly recommended for women’s products, children’s products, and even men’s products are slowly becoming more attuned to the universal color.

Using violet or medium purple shades will convey wisdom and brilliance in the classroom. Home-based businesses that sell hand-made products and other products with symbolic meanings may find lavender ideal.

If you’re looking for a shade of purple for your branding or next design project, have a look below. I’m sure you’ll find a hue that’s just the right hue for you.

30 Color Names for Orange

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the color orange is that refreshing fruit known for its daily dose of Vitamin C. Orange is a friendlier, more approachable, and less intimidating color than red.

Orange is associated with adventure, fun, and travel in business. Hotel companies, resorts, and travel companies benefit from this color, which stimulates social interaction.

If you’re looking for a shade of orange for your branding or next design project, have a look below. I’m sure you’ll find the hue for you.

32 Color Names for Red

Bold hues like red can inspire people to act by being one of the most action-packed colors. Nevertheless, this color needs to be handled with caution.

You don’t want the viewer to feel overwhelmed, but you also want to command or encourage movement. You can use red as an accent color in business to entice buyers to make impulse purchases.

20 Color Names for Yellow

You may be reminded of lemons, soft sunshine, or honey when you think of the color yellow. The vibrant color is definitely one to be seen which makes it a great option to add to your palette if you want to grab your customer’s attention faster.

Yellow has also been recommended by color experts for use in the children’s industry because its meanings include stimulation, creativity, and wisdom.

If you’re looking for a shade of yellow for your branding or next design project, have a look below.

I’m sure you’ll find the hue for you.

32 Color Names for Green

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of the color green is nature and how much I enjoy hiking during the summer months. The second thing that pops into my head is something we all love and that’s Cha-Ching, money!

Green symbolizes growth and abundance more than any other color in business. Invariably, it is used to advertise the safety of drugs and medicines, as well as a sign of vegetarianism. The color green symbolizes nature, prosperity, and money. It is especially recommended for health and healing. Green is an excellent color for financial websites, while lime green may be used for promoting upcoming sales or upcoming offers.

With all of the beautiful shades in this collection, you’re bound to find the best hue for you!

4 Logo Variations Every Business Needs for Better Branding

Generally, when people think of brands, they think of logos. **A brand, however, is NOT a logo. Logos are one aspect of a brand, but they are not the whole thing.**

It may seem that your company only needs one logo, but once you begin to implement it, you will see that you need several others for more flexibility.

When creating branding for your business, you should have a set of four core logo variations*. That includes your primary logo, secondary logo, a sub mark logo and a favicon.

Giving You the Blues: 35 Color Names for Blue

We’re giving you the blues

The color of the ocean and of the sky. Peace, freedom, intuition, and imagination caress your heart in this peaceful color. It also encourages us to be loyal, truthful, confident, and intellectual, which is why it is such a popular business hue. Some shades of blue offer up feelings of peace to the mind and body. Other shades, for example, vivid blue can add drama to your logo design, whereas too much blue might make you feel sad, self-centered, or negative.

10 Color Names for Black

Color names are one of the most fun, but also most stressful stages of creating a brand. Searching Google and Pinterest for creative ways to “black” can sometimes take me hours. It has even led me to look for inspiration on sites that sell beauty products, such as nail polish and lipstick because the names are usually unique and creative to the color they represent.

I’ve decided to create a Color Dictionary Series so you can refer back to it when you are struggling to name the colors in your palette.

5 Ways to Achieve A Cohesive Brand Identity

Note: The plugin and site recommendations in this article are for WordPress users, but the overall list can be used as a general guide for any web platform. Optimize Your Images High-quality images should be used on your website as they are an important piece to the storytelling part of your business. However, they need […]

12 Brand Archetypes: Which one are you?

You’ll probably hear me say this often but, a brand is so much more than just a logo and while the logo design process happens to be one of my favorite processes within developing a brand; it’s not the first, the second, or third step. Branding is much more and one of the first things you should actually do is establish your brand’s archetype to build a more personal and relatable experience for your consumers. 

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